Project Advisor(s) (Students Only)

Samuel Payan

Presentation Type (All Applicants)

Visual Arts Exhibit

Streaming Media

Disciplines (All Applicants)

Graphic Design

Description, Abstract, or Artist's Statement

My graphic design installation is a poster series of statements coated in microaggressions and oppressive language. The installation includes distressing strobe lights, irritable sound effects, and distorted text on 30x40 white poster boards. The installation begins in the dark and then the lights are turned on without warning, causing the distorted text to become even more blurry to read in the light. Essentially, it’s a simulation on the irritability of microaggressions and oppressive language. Sometimes the instigators aren’t even aware that what they said was wrong, tasteless, rude and/or hurtful. Microaggressions and oppressive language start small, but they lead to larger systemic barriers that marginalized groups of people go through on a daily basis. The aim is to allow others who aren’t usually subject to such language to participate in an experience that is intentionally distressing.



Discomfort Zone: Microaggression and Oppressive Language Simulation

My graphic design installation is a poster series of statements coated in microaggressions and oppressive language. The installation includes distressing strobe lights, irritable sound effects, and distorted text on 30x40 white poster boards. The installation begins in the dark and then the lights are turned on without warning, causing the distorted text to become even more blurry to read in the light. Essentially, it’s a simulation on the irritability of microaggressions and oppressive language. Sometimes the instigators aren’t even aware that what they said was wrong, tasteless, rude and/or hurtful. Microaggressions and oppressive language start small, but they lead to larger systemic barriers that marginalized groups of people go through on a daily basis. The aim is to allow others who aren’t usually subject to such language to participate in an experience that is intentionally distressing.