2016-2017: Scott County, Iowa and the Scott County Health Department


Sociology 206

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Civic and Community Engagement | Community Health and Preventive Medicine | Inorganic Chemicals | Public Health | Public Health Education and Promotion | Sociology

Description, Abstract, or Artist's Statement

Scott County, IA is facing a community lead poisoning problem, much like other counties in the state. One of these are Black Hawk County, northwest of Scott. Black Hawk County approached the lead poisoning problem by partnering with organizations including the University of Northern Iowa, the Iowa Poison Control Center, and a multitude of medical groups. Funding, procedures for action, and education were also factors in assessing the lead problem. Black Hawk County’s number of lead poisonings decreased after approaching the problem, while Scott County’s problem worsened. By using similar methods, we hope that Scott County's lead problem will also decrease.
