Project Advisor(s) (Students Only)

Dr. Kevin Geedey

Presentation Type (All Applicants)

Poster Presentation

Disciplines (All Applicants)

Biology | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Description, Abstract, or Artist's Statement

This project was performed at Augustana's Green Wing Environmental Laboratory and studied the richness and diversity of soil invertebrates in two conditions, deer poop enriched and surrounding soil. Soil invertebrates play an important role in soil quality which greatly affects ecosystems. The hypothesis of this study was that the diversity and richness would be the higher in the poop enriched soil samples. Soil samples were collected, Burlese funnels were used to collect the invertebrates, the invertebrates were examined under the microscope, and were assigned to taxa. The number of taxa (richness) and the number of individuals in each taxa (Simpson's diversity) were used to compare the two soil conditions of deer poop enriched soil and surrounding soil.


Biology Senior Inquiry Project


May 3rd, 12:00 AM May 3rd, 12:00 AM

Deer Droppings as a Diverse Invertebrate Habitat

This project was performed at Augustana's Green Wing Environmental Laboratory and studied the richness and diversity of soil invertebrates in two conditions, deer poop enriched and surrounding soil. Soil invertebrates play an important role in soil quality which greatly affects ecosystems. The hypothesis of this study was that the diversity and richness would be the higher in the poop enriched soil samples. Soil samples were collected, Burlese funnels were used to collect the invertebrates, the invertebrates were examined under the microscope, and were assigned to taxa. The number of taxa (richness) and the number of individuals in each taxa (Simpson's diversity) were used to compare the two soil conditions of deer poop enriched soil and surrounding soil.