Project Advisor(s) (Students Only)

Dr. Megan Quinn

Presentation Type (All Applicants)

Visual Arts Exhibit

Disciplines (All Applicants)

Ceramic Arts

Description, Abstract, or Artist's Statement

Matyox means “Thank You” in the Kaqchikel Mayan language. My work is an expression of gratitude to those in my life who have supported me. It portrays the people in my life who have helped me get where I am today. My parents, in particular, have worked very hard to give me the opportunity to attend college and receive an education from an incredible institution. They continue to support me through my career and personal decisions, and do all they can to lift me up.

I recently had the opportunity to participate in a study abroad program in Guatemala-- an experience that could be summed up with the word “Maytox,” or “Thank You.” This experience allowed for me to be educated on many important issues, and opened my eyes to just how blessed I have been throughout my lifetime. Just as these pieces lift one another up and support each other, I have been blessed with many individuals in my life who have done the same for me. I am tremendously thankful for my friends, and especially my family, who have been my lifelong support system. Matyox is my way of saying “Thank You” to all of those individuals who provided the support that has allowed me to grow into the woman I am today.




Matyox means “Thank You” in the Kaqchikel Mayan language. My work is an expression of gratitude to those in my life who have supported me. It portrays the people in my life who have helped me get where I am today. My parents, in particular, have worked very hard to give me the opportunity to attend college and receive an education from an incredible institution. They continue to support me through my career and personal decisions, and do all they can to lift me up.

I recently had the opportunity to participate in a study abroad program in Guatemala-- an experience that could be summed up with the word “Maytox,” or “Thank You.” This experience allowed for me to be educated on many important issues, and opened my eyes to just how blessed I have been throughout my lifetime. Just as these pieces lift one another up and support each other, I have been blessed with many individuals in my life who have done the same for me. I am tremendously thankful for my friends, and especially my family, who have been my lifelong support system. Matyox is my way of saying “Thank You” to all of those individuals who provided the support that has allowed me to grow into the woman I am today.