
MUSC-311-01 Music Styles and Literature I

Document Type

Student Paper

Publication Date

Fall 12-6-2021



Description, Abstract, or Artist's Statement

Roman de Fauvel is a 14th century work composed of poetry, story, an overarching narrative, and music to accompany the literature. In this study, our research is dedicated towards finding and analyzing the many instances of allegory and symbolism in the highly philosophical, satirical, and critical work. Using French 13th and 14th century historical context, we determine the origins of the subject matter of these allegories. Through this historical lens, we can observe what du Bus wants to convey through allegory as a response to his historical climate, and we can take that response and assign meaning to it in the form of literary and musical analysis. In summation, this paper will be about allegory in Roman de Fauvel, the meaning of the allegories, the purpose of them, what history influenced them, and why they are important in our literary and musical history.

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