"Malaria: Sub-Saharan Africa" by Caroline Morris


PUBH-100: Global Issues in Public Health

Document Type


Publication Date



Environmental Health and Protection | Parasitic Diseases | Public Health | Public Health Education and Promotion

Description, Abstract, or Artist's Statement

Sub-Saharan Africa is the large area situated south of the Saharan desert. It is considered one of the poorest regions in the world; the territory faces many challenges in respect to public health. One of the most important issues that sub-Saharan Africa faces is malaria. It is spread through the female Anopheles mosquito. Environmental factors of sub-Saharan Africa heavily influence the rates of incidence in the region due to high populations of mosquitoes. Social determinants of health affect risk in the sub-Saharan populations. Little access to healthcare, built environment, and education all impact incidence of malaria in the region. Children under the age of 5, pregnant women, and travelers are at the highest risk for contracting malaria. Interventions have already been implemented in the region; they include indoor residual spraying and bed nets. Strengthening healthcare systems and expanding vaccination research both are possible interventions for the future of malaria in sub-Saharan Africa.

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