Project Advisor(s) (Students Only)

Dr. Tom Bengtson

Presentation Type (All Applicants)

Oral Presentation

Disciplines (All Applicants)

Algebra | Number Theory

Description, Abstract, or Artist's Statement

A tetration is defined as repeated exponentiation. As an example, 2 tetrated 4 times is 2^(2^(2^2)) = 2^16. Tetrated numbers grow rapidly; however, we will see that when tetrating where computations are performed mod n for some positive integer n, there is convergent behavior. We will show that, in general, this convergent behavior will always show up.



The Last Digits of Infinity (On Tetrations Under Modular Rings)

A tetration is defined as repeated exponentiation. As an example, 2 tetrated 4 times is 2^(2^(2^2)) = 2^16. Tetrated numbers grow rapidly; however, we will see that when tetrating where computations are performed mod n for some positive integer n, there is convergent behavior. We will show that, in general, this convergent behavior will always show up.