Volume 20, Number 2 (June 2000)
Full Issue
The Search for Sven from Småland
Joyce Miller Scott
The Story Mother Used To Tell About Her People
Judie Lundgren and James E. Erickson
Wigelius: Where Did John Wilson Get That Name?
Bernice Wilson Munsey
Destination: La Brassa. A Research Anecdote from the SAG Workshop in Salt Lake City
Ronald J. Johnson
Ahnentafel XLVII. Elin Soderquist
Wayne Gustav Ohlsson
Genealogical Workshop
James E. Erickson
Carl-Erik Johansson 1917-2000
Nils William Olsson

Editor & Publisher
- Editor
- James E. Erickson, Ph.D.
- Publisher
- Swenson Swedish Immigration Research Center