Volume 34, Number 4 (December 2014)
Full Issue
Learning Swedish the Sjölunden way
Elsie Ekström Martin
Behind the scenes of Allt för Sverige
Elisabeth Thorsell
Genealogy kicks!
Norman Sandin (Pono)
The shot seen 'round the world
Dennis L. Johnson
A murder in the family
Agneta Lindau Persson
Finding Johanna Albertina Johansson?
Jill Seaholm
Per Rumpilipump Stendahl
Jaqueline Anderson Maxeiner
A secret in the Swedish CDs and DVDs
Elisabeth Thorsell
Biography of Mrs. Clara Sophia Swanson
Clara Sophia Swanson

Editor & Publisher
- Editor
- Elisabeth Thorsell
- Publisher
- Swenson Swedish Immigration Research Center