Content Posted in 2021
ABVD., Briana L. Kunstman
Allegory, Symbolism, and Metaphor in le Roman de Fauvel, Maria Coulter, Jake Loitz, and Cait Duffy
An Analysis of Two Medieval Conducti in the Roman De Fauvel, Christina Lopez and Nathan Wylie
An Illuminating Art: How Manuscripts were Decorated for Education and Edification, Eliana Aguilar, Grace Gayhart, and Sarah Elrod
Asexual Protagonists: What Their Patterns Reveal About the Representation of Asexuality in Current Literature, Jaclyn Hernandez
Aspects of Augustana and Swedish America: Essays in honor of Dr. Conrad Bergendoff on his 100th Year, Raymond Jarvi, Emmet E. Eklund, Maria Erling, H. Arnold Barton, Elder M. Lindahl, Ann Boaden, Mark A. Granquist, Dag Blanck, Bernhard Erling, and Judith Belan
Augustana Historical Society Publications Number 10, Ira Oliver Nothstein
Augustana Historical Society Publications Number 11, Lisa Huntsha and Ira Oliver Nothstein
Augustana Historical Society Publications Number 3, Ernst W. Olson and Evald B. Lawson
Black Lips Don't Turn Blue: A Womanist Critique of Discriminatory Language in Medical Education, Alison Lawrence
Caught in a Place Between Caesar and God, Darrel D. Colson
Challenging Faith and Gaining Power: Women in Film who Reject and Subvert Religion, Annika Murrah
Community-Building on Campus and Beyond, Krista Hughes
Creative Project: Ecowomanism, Linh Hoang
Cyberbullying and Punishments (Concentrating on Kerala Women), Aksa Roy
Deathtrap, Blake Traylor
Disparities in COVID-19 Rates Among Various Demographics and Lack of Racial Representation in Medical Texts, DiAngelo Gonzalez
Do it by the Book - The Development and Manufacturing of Books in the Middle Ages, Casey Cromp, Annaliese Croasdale, Emma Pilmer, and Lauren DiCiaula
Down and out: First Year Students Encounter Lutheran Theology, Lindsey Leonard
Elemental Contamination of an Ancient Copper Mine in Killarney National Park, Killarney, Ireland, Courtney Chouinard
Fall 2020, Augustana College, Rock Island Illinois
Family Hope and Support Through The Holocaust, Gwendolyn Flannery
Filling in the Gaps: A Diversity Audit Toolkit from Tredway Library, María Evelia Emerson and Lauryn Grace Lehman
For [REDACTED], Lalini Shanela Ranaraja
Freefall In Reverse, Lalini Shanela Ranaraja
From the Editor, Jason Mahn
Full Issue, Number 53, Spring 2021
Full Issue, Number 54, Fall 2021
Geochemical Analysis and Heat-Treatment of Natural Sapphires from Madagascar and Tanzania in Oxidizing and Reducing Conditions, Lukas Karuza, Dr. Michael B. Wolf, and Brian Konecke PhD
God's Glory, Neighbor's Good: The Story of Pietism (Video), Mark Safstrom
Handel’s Messiah: Stepping Stones Between Now and Then, Ariela Policastro, Emma Boze, and Nathan Maras
Hospitality to the Wild, Laura Hartman
Injustice Anywhere is a Threat to Justice Everywhere: Why Mass Incarceration is a Feminist Issue, Too, Vanessa Iroegbulem
Just Communities: From Liberal Arts in Prison to Racial Healing Over Zoom, Monica Smith
Keeping Close From a Distance: Pandemic Reflections of a Library Coordinator, Carla Flengeris
Late Amazonian Wind Regimes and Landscape Evolution in Northern Meridiani Planum, Mars, Thomas Stritch
Leadership in a Pandemic: Grace-Filled Lessons in Unprecedented Times, Marc Jerry
Life and Health Concerns of a European Monastic Scribe During the 14th Century, Jared Reiling, Christopher O'Neill, and Nick Curatolo
Looking west: Three Essays on Swedish-American Life, Jules Mauritzson, Conrad Bergendoff, Ann Boaden, and Dag Blanck
Lost in Translation: A Critical Analysis of the Libretto in Handel's Messiah, Jordan Lehto, Aaron Escamilla, and Eden H. Nimietz
"Moral of the Story": How Children’s Books Regulated Race Relations Starting Before the Civil War to Today, Faleya Scales
Music Composition in the 17th and 18th centuries: A Historical Analysis of how Georg Frideric Handel Participated in “Borrowing”, Nicholas Mueller, Oscar Peterson-Veatch, and Russell Schmidt
My Story: Immigrant, Executive, Traveler, Birger Swenson
On and Beyond the Mississippi: Essays honoring Thomas Tredway, Dag Blanck, Michael Nolan, Roald Tweet, Maria Erling, Nils Hasselmo, Larry Scott, Kenneth R. Johnston, Dorothy J. Parkander, Richard Swanson, Arthur Mampel, William Bondeson, and Ronald Goetz
Pandemics: Expediting Medications Through the Trial Period for the Greater Good, Lauren Raike
Preaching in Christ Chapel on Yom HaShoah: Reflections on Interfaith Relations at a Lutheran College, Sarah Ruble
Queer Even in Safe Spaces: Homelessness, Shelter Failures, and the Queer Community, Kara West
(Re)Defining Vocation: Gladly Challenging a Vocational Giant, Drew Tucker
Return to Purpose: Learning in an Age of Collapse, Ahmed Afzaal
Shelter in Place: Reflections from March 22, 2020, Jason Mahn
Shepherd of an Immigrant People: The Story of Erland Carlsson, Emory Lindquist
Starting Anew: Jewish Immigrants and Refugees sent to America’s Midwest from Nazi and Post WWII Germany, Quinn Fabish
Teaching as an Expression of a Love Ethic, Abbylynn Helgevold
Teaching Our Past to Preserve Our Future: Ignorance and the Insurrection, Haleigh Jacocks
The Art of Hidden Messages: Fauvel and the Poems that Came Before, Colin Claytor, Isabelle Dale, and Nathaniel Wilson
The Inequalities Women Face In STEM: From Their Education To The Workplace, Sophie Rhodes
The Last Prisoners of War: How Nazi-Looted Art is Displayed in U.S. Museums, Monica May Thompson
The Legacy Lives On: An Examination of Handel’s Continued Influence, Erin Larkin, Madison Fouts, and Madeleine Rodriguez
Treatise, Scripture, Manifesto: Reckoning With "Love Cake", Lalini Shanela Ranaraja
Unconventional Wisdom and Talking About God: A Review of Beckstrom's 'Leading Lutheran Higher Education in a Secular Age', Ann Elizabeth Rosendale
Vocation Outside of Career: Discovering Purpose Through Comics, María Evelia Emerson
When Atheists Become Deities: How Vox Lux Shows the Intersection of Secularism, Religion, and Pop Stardom in Consumer Society, Lindsay Saulsberry
Where Your Feet are Standing: Institutional Engagement and Place, Melissa Maxwell-Doherty
Why the Binary?: Cisnormativity in Athletics, Iliana Smiser
Winter 2021, Augustana College, Rock Island Illinois
Zeroed Out, Moreen Akomea-Ampeh